Here is a list of 21 items that I would like for the next iPhone; new features, enhancements, app changes, etc.
1. OLED screen, because it would look even more beautiful
2. Be able to save images that are in facebook, currently all you can do is copy them.
3. Fully funtional Google Docs
4. Full Flash support, I wish Apple would rethink their policy and allow this.
5. Apps allowed to run in the background. Actually the only ones I want to run in the background are music apps; radio, lastfm or spotify. I don't really need other apps in the background.
6. Allow me to have more than 4 buttons along the bottom of the home screen.
7. Allow me to put an image behind the home screen.
8. Fix voice control. No matter how hard I try, asking to play music always calls someone from my contacts!
9. 02 improve the signal and bandwidth, I guess this will be resolved with making it available on Orange and Vodafine.
10. Maintain zooming into next page I load would be nice. For example I have zoomed in to read an article, when I page next, I wish it wasn't zoomed out again on loading the next page.
11. I wish it would remember my log in details on websites on Safari.
12. I wish I could organise my bookmarks within Safari on the iPhone.
13. Have a zoom built into the camera.
14. Be able to manually swap the screen alignment between portrait and lanscape, for times when it gets confused.
15. Be able to go instantly into camera mode with a single button or gesture or switch. Rather than 1) turn on 2) unlock 3) enter pin 4) navigate to camera icon 5) load camera app 6) take picture. It is impossible to take a picture instantly, and it's very easy to miss things whilst you get to the camera.
16. Longer battery life. I wish the iPhone could last a week without a charge. My 3GS currently lasts 2 days with low usage. But with heavy usage it only lasts a day e.g. On a recent trip to London I was using several apps, GPS, Twitter, Safari, text messages, phonecalls and voice mail all day. However I didn't play music or video or play any games. If I had it wouldn't have lasted.
17. Be able to cancel text messages whilst the sending bar is progressing. The number of times autocorrect has got me into trouble...
18. Be able to edit the autocorrect list. Why does kev get autocorrected to keV?!
19. Better solution to autocorrect; I am always retyping stuff that got incorrectly autocorrected, and I forgot to cancel the autocorrection.
20. On clicking on phone numbers, rather than ring the number, let me choose what to do; call, text, add to contacts, copy, etc.
21. A solution to having no physical control pad for games. I'm not offering a solution, but there is quite a limitation to what games work om the iPhone. Playing something like Sonic The Hedgehog with a virtual d-pad and buttons is not fun.
That's my 21. wants for the iPhone, what about you? Checkout this site, a wonderful site dedicated to what people want for their iPhone.
http://pleasefixtheiphone.com/problems/iphone_homepage/ (best viewed on your iPhone)
-- Posted from my iPhone