Saturday, 24 October 2009

May the vacation begin

9 days from work. First proper vacation since Christmas. Left work early (only fair considering the extra hours I've done), driving home, remembered I left food in work fridge, drove back to work :-(

Back at home, I managed to phone two friends in the middle of meetings, its happened to me before, but I don't recall doing it to anyone else.

My plan, a weekend of doing nothing but TV and movies, and then we'll see after that.

I settled down for some V+ catch up;

- Flash Forward - I'm really enjoying this, I can't wait to find out why it happened.

- Good Will Hunting - I always forget what an excellent film this is. Please someone buy it for me.

- Bullit - OMG I've got ADHD just kept finding myself on Twitter. Great car chase though

- Ali - Will Smith was incredible in this. I felt very disatisfied by this film though, long dialogless sections intersected with people singing in clubs, it explained very little, it looks like he treated women pretty badly. I felt I didn't really learn much else about him in the film. How did they manage to give away so little in 3 hours?

There was also a visit from my Dad who was in a very good mood after a night out with friends. I decided to feed him my chocolate cake, and eat lots of it myself :-)

-- Posted from my iPhone

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Traffic Apocalipse

The M25 was closed tonight, I drove over it on my way home from from Corbets Tey and it wasn't moving anti-clockwise.

I looked at the A127 southend bound and that wasn't really moving, so I thought I'd go up Bird Lane, via Warley Herongate and The Old Dog to Dunton. That was a very silly idea.

There was a car crash on Great Warley Road and the traffic wasn't moving. 15 minutes later I was heading down Bird Lane. It was bonkers i've never known so much traffic trying to get both ways along Bird Lane.

It took a long time to get down Bird Lane. The end bit was one way, and I don't see the cars going the other way getting down there. They are probably still waiting there! It was very close to blocking up completely...

I probably should have stuck the A127 out. My whole trip took me 50 minutes for a 20 minute journey :-(

On the radio they said the accident closed the M25 at 11.00 this morning. I hope everyone is okay, how bad must it have been to take 7 hours and still not be re-opened?

-- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Intelagos 2009 F1

What a great race IMO.

So much happened; crashes, safety car, fire in the pitlane! Overtaking, overtaking, overtaking, Webber won, hamilton got podium from near back of grid and BUTTON WORLD CHAMPION!! and what a ballsy drive!

I had to watch it on 5 minute Sky+ delay. Then halfway through someone accidently changed the channel. "What have you done!!!" I exclaimed, though it was quickly rectified. It is a very serious thing when someone does a remote fail, especially when watching live sports!

Canabalt - iPhone game review

In the game Canabalt on the iPhone there is an alien invasion and you're trying to escape the aliens And collapsing buildings by running along the roof tops.

All you have to do is jump with a swipe gesture; the bigger the swipe the bigger the jump. Hitting things slows you down, hitting a bomb kills you, and falling to your death is bad also.

It is beautiful, sounds great, perfect simplistic controls. Very addictive, though a little bit frustrating if you keep dieing quickly. When you build up momentum it feels brilliant, like Sonic speed.

A fantastic game.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Can animals see ghosts?

Can animals see ghosts?

The evidence;

1) My cat was sat in the corner staring at the corner of the room. She must have been staring at a ghost.

2) My grandad's dog used to go mental when he walked past part of a building at an army barrocks. He later found out there had been an archway there where people were hung. The dog must have been seeing ghosts coming through the bricked up archway.

So its conclusive right?

-- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Choosing a company name

I didn't anticipate how hard this was going to be. The problem is all the good names seem to have been taken.

What I did was first find a word that I liked, but found it was already taken as a URL.

So then I tried combing other words with it. I came up with loads of really good names, but the majority unfortunately were taken or were parked (where someone buys a URL with the intent of reselling it for a profit). However I did get one name I really liked.

My sister thought it was too many syllables though.

So I got a list of 1 and 2 syllable words and started combining. Couldn't find one that fitted my company though. Thought up some really good ones that weren't taken, thinking of doing my own parking.

Gave up and went back to the "sister says it's too long" one.

The whole process took me about 4 or 5 hours! I recon there's a business opportunity or two in here.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Thursday, 8 October 2009

iPhone wish list - 21 wants

Here is a list of 21 items that I would like for the next iPhone; new features, enhancements, app changes, etc.

1. OLED screen, because it would look even more beautiful

2. Be able to save images that are in facebook, currently all you can do is copy them.

3. Fully funtional Google Docs

4. Full Flash support, I wish Apple would rethink their policy and allow this.

5. Apps allowed to run in the background. Actually the only ones I want to run in the background are music apps; radio, lastfm or spotify. I don't really need other apps in the background.

6. Allow me to have more than 4 buttons along the bottom of the home screen.

7. Allow me to put an image behind the home screen.

8. Fix voice control. No matter how hard I try, asking to play music always calls someone from my contacts!

9. 02 improve the signal and bandwidth, I guess this will be resolved with making it available on Orange and Vodafine.

10. Maintain zooming into next page I load would be nice. For example I have zoomed in to read an article, when I page next, I wish it wasn't zoomed out again on loading the next page.

11. I wish it would remember my log in details on websites on Safari.

12. I wish I could organise my bookmarks within Safari on the iPhone.

13. Have a zoom built into the camera.

14. Be able to manually swap the screen alignment between portrait and lanscape, for times when it gets confused.

15. Be able to go instantly into camera mode with a single button or gesture or switch. Rather than 1) turn on 2) unlock 3) enter pin 4) navigate to camera icon 5) load camera app 6) take picture. It is impossible to take a picture instantly, and it's very easy to miss things whilst you get to the camera.

16. Longer battery life. I wish the iPhone could last a week without a charge. My 3GS currently lasts 2 days with low usage. But with heavy usage it only lasts a day e.g. On a recent trip to London I was using several apps, GPS, Twitter, Safari, text messages, phonecalls and voice mail all day. However I didn't play music or video or play any games. If I had it wouldn't have lasted.

17. Be able to cancel text messages whilst the sending bar is progressing. The number of times autocorrect has got me into trouble...

18. Be able to edit the autocorrect list. Why does kev get autocorrected to keV?!

19. Better solution to autocorrect; I am always retyping stuff that got incorrectly autocorrected, and I forgot to cancel the autocorrection.

20. On clicking on phone numbers, rather than ring the number, let me choose what to do; call, text, add to contacts, copy, etc.

21. A solution to having no physical control pad for games. I'm not offering a solution, but there is quite a limitation to what games work om the iPhone. Playing something like Sonic The Hedgehog with a virtual d-pad and buttons is not fun.

That's my 21. wants for the iPhone, what about you? Checkout this site, a wonderful site dedicated to what people want for their iPhone. (best viewed on your iPhone)

-- Posted from my iPhone

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Don't stop yourself sneezing

I now know why it's a good idea not to stop yourself sneezing. At the BCS evening after doing that, my throat suddenly got dry and painful. Coughing wasn't clearing it, and the only exit was the central isle, blocked by the chap who was speaking.

I had no water and I only a box of tik taks. A combination of chewing loads of tik taks and blowing my nose sorted out the problem.

Sneezing is brilliant, but not in front of other people. I proceeded to sneeze as soon as I could step away from the group after the lecture had finished.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, 4 October 2009

My little niece

Holding and playing with my little 5 month old niece this afternoon, I had her over my shoulder and I was bouncing her a bit and singing lots of songs to her.

She fell asleep! I then sat down and she stayed sleeping on me for about 45 minutes. That was amazing!!

-- Posted from my iPhone

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Trying to embed video

Okay I took the embed code from somewhere else and added the video code to it. Will it work?

Yeah this worked. Check out this video, these group of kids are absolutely awesome muscians. I love this video.
-- Posted from my iPhone

Friday, 2 October 2009

Allow hyperlinks?

Does this allow hyperlinks? Test

Selfish pig

Check out these cartoons, they are very funny :-)