I've used my iPad at work for a week and have to say it is awesome and offers a number of productivity gains and generally makes working life much more pleasant.
1) Things
Instead of writing my tasks on postits I can keep them all organised using this awesome task management software.
2) Safari & Mifi
I soon found I needed a network connection, so I purchased a Mifi and I get a very good and fast signal from Vodafone. Safari is so useful, and with a work PC that runs like a dog, I can do research here instead. It also provides a distraction whilst my PC is locked up or crashing.
3) Web Outlook
It's not perfect, and iAnywhere hasn't done an iPad app yet, but the web interface to email is workable, and very useful when my machine is busy doing other things.
4) Yammer
There is no iPad Yammer app yet, but the website works perfectly, and this provides a perfect way to use the site.
5) Evernote
Used for making notes, I use this to quickly transfer information, especially links and pictures between the iPad and my works PC via the cloud.
6) Notetaker HD & stylus
This is the absolute killer app it allows me to do all my notes, minutes and diagrams electronically. Which makes it fun, and allows me to tag all the documents to make them easy to find. This works so well and I started using it as much as possible as it is so practical. This is going to be a massive saving in need to use paper definitely. The stylus makes writing more accurate and more comfortable.
7) iPod
Last but not least the iPod app is so good on the iPad that this is now my favourite method to consume my music.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad