Thursday, 31 March 2011

iPad crashing

Since the 4.3 upgrade I had been getting lots of app crashes, especially with Pulse and Twitter, and Safari. Since the upgrade to 4.3.1 I haven't experienced a single crash.

Plus on syncing I noticed there was only 0.5 gig of space left, I've now ensured there is 2.5 gig of free space. This could have been causing memory issues, and leading to app crashes.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Trouble with photo syncing repeatedly on iPad

A strange problem happened, when I did a sync with iTunes, all the photos seemed to be re-optimised and copied again and again, repeatedly. 3000 initially, then once finished it did it again with 2100, then again and again, the number dropping each time, until finally it had 8 to do. Then it went up massively to 3000+.

I think they've tweaked the sync process and it tries to copy and optimise, and by optimising it finds it has more room for photos, and tries to do more, to fill the space.

I found a post that said turn on and off include video (on the photos tab) that plus selecting just a subset of events - leaving 2gig of space seemed to do the trick. It then synced the photos once and I was done.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Sunday, 27 March 2011

Parallels 4 performance issues

Running Parallels on my MacBook Pro has become unbareably slow, like these people on the parallels forum i did two things which has resolved the issue;

1) Turn off Smartmount

2) Restart windows - there were 82 updates, so having only suspended and not restarted the vm for a long time, could have something to do with it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Sunday, 13 March 2011

Outsourcing fail

We are currently feeling the pain of offshoring policy where I work, its good to know we're not alone. Here are some articles that make interesting reading on this topic,1

"The desire to save big bucks so blinded the executives that they didn't realize they were replacing a group of people experienced with using a product to a group of people who were looking at it for the first time. "We underestimated the loss of knowledge that would take place during the transition,""

This one is a short article with some very true points;

"But keep in mind lower paid programmers do not mean cheaper software development"

"Third, you have to specify down to the smallest detail. What you put down on paper is what you get. If companies created project specifications with enough detail to offshore to begin with, they wouldn't be having the problem of runaway project costs."

This article is more focused on dba's, but has many relevant points;

"Offshoring is re-shored back to America: A qualified coder can create system 20 times faster than a under-trained offshore developer, and many IT managers misunderstand that offshoring does not necessarily mean that the work is done in a low-cost country."

And someone asks can you do agile with an offshoring policy.
Answer is; don't do agile and offshoring

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Saturday, 12 March 2011

Dreamweaver bug

A dreamweaver bug when you set up an FTP site gives an error that it cannot connect. Even though checking on an external FTP client it works. Well I found all you need to do is put in the ip address of the server instead of the hostname. I needn't add port numbers, I turned off "use FTP performance" under "server compatibility" which may help if the above item didn't help.

There was no need to enter the host directory; just leave that blank.

Using a dataflame account, when creating an FTP account, remember to take off the username at the end to leave public_html as the folder you are granting access.

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