Wednesday, 31 July 2013

New App Tablet Tracker released

New app Tablet Tracker released in the App Store. A simple application for tracking and reminding you to take medication or vitamins.

The app took 3-4 months to develop on - off in my spare time. I had to re-learn objective C and the Apple SDK in order to do this as I hadn't done an app for 1-2 years. The app is very useful personally, and I hope it is useful to you also.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

iPhone App Store changed countries

On playing with iTunes connect, it asked if I'd like to change country in the App Store, which I did. Then how to get back to UK App Store. Do this;

1. Make sure to close the App Store app first
2. Go to Settings > iTunes & App Stores > Log out and log back in again.
3. Reload App Store, everything should now be in £'s

Courtesy of

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, 21 July 2013

App icon not changing iOS Xcode

If you update your app icon and it doesn't update on your phone or simulator, do the following;
1) Copy in the icon as a new filename
2) Associate the icons with the new files under projects, where you can graphically choose the icon
3) In you app's info.plist under icons delete the rows for the previous icons, the new icons should have rows.
4) Clean the project (with iPhone plugged in) and build

You should now get the new icons.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad