Friday, 20 August 2010

Annoying things people do at work

Omg my most annoying things at the moment are
1. Really loud over dramatic yawning. Fuck off!
2. The milk has a label so we know its our Milk Club’s so why the hell put it back in so the label isn’t facing out and I have to turn all the milk cartons around to find out which one is ours. Come on!!!
3. Leaving cups and breakfast bowls in soak around the sink. Wash it, or get rid of it. If I was the cleaner I’d lock them all in a cupboard like my cleaner did with us in Uni halls.
4. Walking really slowly, you know when you’re obviously in a rush and some one walks so slowly, this is especially annoying when navigating junctions and if they’d had some sense they would have slowed slightly to give way to you so you can continue at pace, rather than make you walk really slow behind them.
5. How I always have to be right, and can end up getting in email ping pong trying to proove I am right. I have to work hard to hold my tongue sometimes.

Favourite things at the office
1. When someone sends me an email saying thanks or well done for something
2. When I get a freebie from the cafe or someone brings in cakes/fruit
3. When an afternoon of difficult/boring meetings gets cancelled
4. When a strange or interesting activity or event happens. Like winning a ride in a world rally car, or helping push someones car to the local garage.
5. When we have a team social at lunch or after work

And some other people’s lists; - How to handle annoying colleagues - I like the earphones trick. - Omg I’m responsible for at least two of these; Foghorn phone voice and I’m a key smasher, both of which I’ve been told off for doing but am not very good at improving....


E-mail chains at work

I got pissed off at work to come into a stack of emails where I had been added to an email chain after it had been running for several messages. My frustration is they take 5 minutes to read and understand and then require lots of thinking, research, and general work type things in order to answer the question that the last person asked you.

So I told the first sender that I wasn’t going to read their email as I’m too busy and they should come and talk me through it if its urgent. Which actually worked quite effectively because I got an introduction to the topic and with a few quick questions I was able to make a decision and request some work to be done by one of our developers.

What I shouldn’t have done was post on our internal Twitter that these type of emails was one of my email frustrations. The sender reads Yammer and thought it was quite a co-incidence that he’d just sent me an email chain. Whoops.


Thursday, 5 August 2010

Some thoughts on Inception

****Contains spoilers****

I love the movie inception. On first viewing I got lost by two moments. First what the architect Ariadne explains what they are going to do after Fischer dies. I get it now, he's gone into limbo and they go into another dream which puts them in limbo. And limbo is the world that Cobb/di Caprio and Mal created.

What I don't get is why when Saito dies he goes in his own limbo, nothing to do with di Caprio's limbo. Plus how did Fischer and Ariadne get out of limbo so easily - by killing themselves? How did they get to limbo by using inception - I thought it was where you went when you died and were too heavily sedated to wake up?

How did di Caprio go from his limbo to Saito's at the end? Is it because he drowned in the van?

And what happened in limbo so di Caprio and Saito got back out? Did they both commit suicide together, and if so they would still have been in the snow base dream, so how did they get out of that without a kick?

And then how did they all get back out the first dream - they must have got out before Fischer - but what was the kick?

The second point I missed is when Fischer's father said "disappointed". What he went on to say is that he was disappointed his son tried to be like him - I get that now.

An inconsistency I would like to question is when in dream one the van is falling, there is no gravity in dream 2. If so why is there gravity in the 3rd dream?

Another one is the train in dream 1, why do we not see any further defences like this? Or was this from di Caprio's subconscious?

I think it was a wonderful film, because the plot was so ingenius and the visuals were so impressive. I love the whole idea of inception and dreams, and the blurring of reality.

Would the totem fall at the end? I think yes because that is the same reality as when it fell before. If no then I would have to rewatch the movie to see how they/he got into another dream. Perhaps they never get out of the city with train dream?

Location:London IMAX

How to reset PS3 screen resolution

If your PS3 is set for a resolution that your new TV doesn't recognise you will get "no signal" and no picture. On a friends PS3 the menu was set for 1080p and didn't work, but putting in a 720p game worked. By pressing the playstation button you get the 720p menu, but if you want to change video settings it exits game, tries to go 1080p and therefore no picture.

To resolve this hold the on/off switch until it turns off. Then press and hold the on button for 10 seconds and the resolution will be reset to the lowest setting and it will appear on the screen.

You will be given prompts to optimise the resolution, and if the resolution it tries for doesn't work it will reset after 30 seconds.

The source was a very knowledgable PS3 owning friend. You can also find details of resetting the PS 3 screen resolution here.
