Thursday, 5 August 2010

How to reset PS3 screen resolution

If your PS3 is set for a resolution that your new TV doesn't recognise you will get "no signal" and no picture. On a friends PS3 the menu was set for 1080p and didn't work, but putting in a 720p game worked. By pressing the playstation button you get the 720p menu, but if you want to change video settings it exits game, tries to go 1080p and therefore no picture.

To resolve this hold the on/off switch until it turns off. Then press and hold the on button for 10 seconds and the resolution will be reset to the lowest setting and it will appear on the screen.

You will be given prompts to optimise the resolution, and if the resolution it tries for doesn't work it will reset after 30 seconds.

The source was a very knowledgable PS3 owning friend. You can also find details of resetting the PS 3 screen resolution here.


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